Saturday, January 26, 2008

Historical Christianity Can Not be Reconciled with Gay Christian Theology

Many Christians feel their beliefs are irreconcilable with “Gay Christianity” (*a). This prepared statement should spare a lot of wasted words for unsuspecting Bible-believing Christians that walk in unaware of the ambush that awaits them on supposedly Christian debate forums. Several Christians reviewed this statement and they agree with it. When I say "we" I mean those who reviewed the statement before the posting, and this includes the views of Protestants and Catholics. I submitted a poll regarding views on same-sex sex within the church. A list of points was stated from Section 1, and voters that claim to be Christian voted on their agreement or disagreement on the points.

(*a) The terms "Gay Christian" and "Gay Christianity" are used in this report to describe same-sex practicing unrepentant gays that call themselves Christians and refuse to acknowledge that gay sex is sin.


The church body (*b) is divided over the Gay Christian Movement's attempts to legitimize immorality. The purpose of this statement is to explain what biblical Christians believe regarding "gay Christianity." In short we believe "same-sex practicing gay Christianity" is not compatible with Christian conduct or our faith in the God of the Bible. The theology that supports "gay Christianity" is irreconcilable with the historical Christianity that we received.

(*b) The church body of Christ is the body of believers, some of whom died to bring the Bible that we read today. As a body the church is accountable to the authority of Jesus Christ as its head.

We believe God can forgive any sin including gay-sex, and we believe gays should be accepted in the church body like any other sinners. However, we do not accept their brazen attempt to legitimize immoral conduct that the Bible never commanded us to accept. It is not required for a sinner to repent first before they attend church, and they are welcome to attend, but it is required that they must abstain from injuring the church body by trying to legitimize immorality.

In our opinion the gay Christian Movement is a Trojan horse to launch the gay-political agenda into the church.

Section 1, Points About Gay Theology

We have exhaustively debated "gay Christians" on internet forums regarding historical, biblical Christianity, and we have found them stubbornly unwilling to yield to the Holy Spirit of the Bible and our Savior Jesus Christ whom we experience through our faith in the God of the Bible. All of the following points have been discussed with them to no avail:

[1.1] Whereas, many "gay Christians" that practice same-sex sex consider themselves brothers and sisters in Christ yet they claim repentance is not a necessary product of salvation. In our opinion, Christ's atoning redemptive work on the cross is necessary for saving faith that produces repentance. The message of repentance was delivered through John the Baptist, Jesus Christ, and the prophets. We believe ANYONE that rejects their repentance message by preaching against it, can not be a brother or sister in Christ but they are considered an enemy of the cross because they corrupt sacred testimony and nullify the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. "Gay Christians" can not be excluded from our assessment.

Jesus said He did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill the law. "Gay Christians" say the law that Christ died to fulfill is an irrelevant relic. In addition we see no evidence of God's transforming power in the lives of "gay Christians." Rather we see no change at all.

[1.2] Whereas"Gay Christians" oppose the historicity of Christianity which is based on the Bible. We believe "gay Christians" lack the Holy Spirit that is necessary to understand the scriptures to discern right from wrong.We believe the Bible is God's revealed word to mankind. The translations consider gay-sex to be immoral conduct from a simple straight-forward reading of the scriptures. No credible Bible version or Bible translator agrees with their revisionist view that legitimizes immoral sexual conduct, where the "gay Christians" claim that gay-sex is blessed by the God of the Bible, that historical Christianity is based on bigotry, and that none of the Bible translations can be trusted.

The issue of translations is a moot point because it's trumped by Christian love as explained in 1st Corinthians 8. We feel "gay Christians" lack both knowledge and Christian love based on a close examination of their doctrine and their attitude toward ex-gays (ref Section 1.5). Also we believe they can not have spiritually discerning knowledge of the scriptures without the Holy Spirit which we believe they lack.

When someone says the church and the Bible can not present scripture accurately they are really saying Jesus IS FAILING to do His job through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our living witness to the revealed truth in the Word of God. We believe the Holy Spirit is doing its job, and we believe the "gay Christians" are in error.

[1.3] Whereas "Gay Christians" condone loving monogamous gay-relationships as a blessing from God. God, the perfect author of life and of love, gave them the ability to reproduce but not with one another. We do not believe our God is a bungling-inept-creator that couldn't complete His work. Instead we believe gay-sex was never God's intention for humanity. In addition when "gay Christians" condone gay sex as "God's creation" we feel this is an insult to our Creator.

[1.4] Whereas We do not believe God has two standards for Christian conduct, one for ex-gay Christians, and another for "gay Christians."

[1.5] Whereas"Gay Christianity" fails the minimum standard for Christian love. Loving others the way God intended fulfils the OT law, whereas gay sex was a capital offence under the OT law. In addition "gay Christians" do not love or even tolerate ex-gay Christians that are making a tremendous personal sacrifice to serve Jesus Christ. Gay Christians often collaborate with gay-activists that are out to destroy the Christian faith, testimony, and reputation of ALL ex-gay Christians in direct violation of 1st Corinthians 8:1-3.

[1.6] Whereas"Gay Christians" present dietary ordinances and dress codes as justification for abandoning ALL moral codes in the Bible. Under the Mosaic law, dietary and dress violations could be cleansed with an offering, but gay sex required an eternal death penalty. Jews were stoned to death for gay sex. In the day of final judgment we do no believe God will tell those Jewish offenders to depart to hell, and then tell the gentiles "well done" for having gay sex the way he/she was made.

Section 2, Poll Results

Results of the orginal poll

Looking at the poll, the views are evenly divided over same-sex sex as sin.It is notable that the Forum Staff leans heavily toward the liberal view that same sex-sex is not sin, and the staff TOTALLY DISAGREES with ALL the points made in this OP.This is quite telling indeed, as the poll would lean more toward traditional Christianity without their influence as moderators, supervisors and administrators that have the authority to steer their views on Christianity.

Section 3, Notable Quotes in the Discussion

Regarding OP, Gay-advocate said: You clearly don't know much about the old Jewish law.

Gay-advocate said: Gay people are doing no harm to Christianity.

Gay-advocate said: The Bible can be very distracting, especially when you use it like this and act like the Bible IS God.

Baptist said: That's the first time I have ever heard anyone say the Bible is somehow a distraction that sets us up for sin, while they defend the Bible.

Gay-advocate said: bringing up the Old Testament is about the stupidest proof of gay sex being sin as far as i'm concerned

Baptist said: Arguing the viability and credibility of Christianity, while also including criticism of God, is not keeping within the confines of the OP and IMO tends to derail the argument.

Baptist said: When committers of other sexual sins start to refer to their sin as nonsin, that too will be addressed.

OP said: What about those that preach gay sex is righteous from the pulpit?

OP said: On the one hand you say gay sex is sin like any other sin. On the otherhand you say it is ok for a preacher to tell everyone it's not sin.

Baptist said: So when God says something is an abomination, you are going to defend it? That doesn't really make sense.

Baptist said: So when God says something is detestable to Him (does it mean) He doesn't hate it?

OP said: I'm sorry but I can not respect someone that honors the dishonorable. Respect must be earned.

OP said: If the Bible is in error according to you, and you use it for scriptural proof, then it just looks kind of hypocrital.

Gay Universalist said:I think people should throw away the Bibles. It would probably lead to more moral behavior.

Gay Universalist said: If you fear death, you have to deal with it yourself. Your beliefs about salvation are not my concern. They are up to you.

OP to Gay-advocate: If I accept your view, how can I know that I am going to heaven?

Gay-advocate to OP: WAY off topic.

OP said: Jesus didn't have a problem with the Old Testament. Why should we?

Christian said: WHAT ARE YOU A LESBIAN POSTING in a christian forum for?........ you're like a lamb to the slaughter or was this your intention, are you trying to convert people to your way of thinking?

Liberal Theologian: The Bible does not assure me of Heaven, God in Christ does that.

OP Responded: The Bible assures me of heaven, and I'm sorry you haven't received that promise (from the Bible). If I were you, I'd get it in writing.


There are verses in the Bible that talk about a "beam in the eye", "judging", and "casting the first stone." EVERYONE has sinned and will continue sinning until they die. That does not leave Christians powerless to deal with immorality in the church body, and we are COMMANDED to deal with it.

I conclude this blog post with a warning from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Rev 2:5:

Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

ADDITIONAL READING (updated 4/17/08)

I want to thank Real Proposal Magazine for their information on Joe Dallas. I was perusing some NARTH documents and discovered that Joe is the founder of Genesis Counseling. For additional study on the Gay Christian Movement be sure to check out Joe's paper titled:

Responding to Pro-Gay Theology





The Real Proposal™ magazine said...
Firstly, we wanted to let you know that we have posted a link to your blog entry to the current "Marriage In the News" page for The Real Proposal magazine.

We think it has relevance to an article we posted regarding Barack Obama's pastor's view on gay rights. At the end of March, that web page will be archived as "March 2008."

Also, we wanted to bring your attention to a couple of links on our page that we believe you may be interested in:RELATED ARTICLE: "Responding to Pro-Gay Theology" By Joe Dallas, Leadership U.

This three-part series addresses the pro-gay theology by dividing its arguments--or tenets--into three categories: social justice arguments, general religious arguments, and scriptural arguments. Joe Dallas, Founder of Genesis Counseling, is the author of three books on homosexuality: Desires in Conflict, Unforgiven Sins, and A Strong Delusion: Confronting the "Gay Christian" Movement. A former gay rights activist and staff member of a Metropolitan Community Church, he has worked with hundreds of men and women struggling with homosexuality and related problems.

RELATED BROADCAST: "How Should We Respond to Homosexuality?

Part 1" Speaker: Joe Dallas, Focus on the, March 18, 2008The Bible tells how the prophet Jonah had great disdain for the people of Nineveh - he resisted God's command to preach a message of judgment to the Ninevites, and he became angry when God compassionately held back His wrath after the people of Nineveh repented. Author and counselor Joe Dallas says many Christians are afflicted with the "Jonah Syndrome," meaning they hold homosexuals in contempt and resist demonstrating to them the love of Christ.

Dallas - a former homosexual - calls on the church to repent of its sin and to reach out to the gay community with a message of grace that is compassionate, consistent and clear."I believe as we address the issue of homosexuality that God would call us to repent of whatever hostility exists within the church .. and recommit ourselves to bold love." -

Joe Dallas RELATED BROADCAST: "How Should We Respond to Homosexuality?

Part 2" Speaker: Joe Dallas,Focus on the, March 18, 2008

Most Christians have heard the phrase, "hate the sin but love the sinner." Unfortunately, many homosexuals feel like evangelicals hate them as people because of their behavior. How has the church gone wrong in responding to the gay community? Author and counselor Joe Dallas cites examples as he admonishes believers to repent of their hostility towards homosexuals.

Dallas also describes how Christians can achieve a proper, balanced approach of showing Christ's love to gays and lesbians while still declaring the biblical truth that homosexuality is a sin."The gay and lesbian community is looking to the church for some verifiable evidence that we love them as we say that we do ... [that we] value them as people, not just as objects to be converted." - Joe Dallas

March 20, 2008 8:00 PM

--- SRF Response ---

Real Proposal Magazine,

Thank you very much for your inputs. Your points are well taken that Christians so often want to throw out the sinner along with the sin. My personal dog in this fight has to do with the credibility of the scriptures. I understand that gays and former gays have an exceptionally difficult nature to deal with, and their sacrifice is greater than most of us have to bear. I'm looking to see how God has provided for them, as He promised He could.

Thank you for your timely information.