Saturday, August 9, 2008

Is Gay Sex Sin According to the Bible?

First let me mention why this subject is being addressed here at SRF. The authority of the Bible is under attack by liberal social, political, and religious elements that want to justify immorality. They try to falsify the scriptures in order to justify sin, telling us that God's guidelines for Christian life are no longer relevant. This is a direct attack on the Christian faith, and on the hope of eternal life we Christians believe in.

The authority of the scriptures is axiomatic to the Christian hope of a resurrection. This is why Christians object to any attack on the scriptures. So this isn't a matter of "picking on gays", rather the issue here for many Christians is our hope of eternal life, which rests on scriptural authority.

A simple, straight-forward, objective reading of the Bible seems to provide ample evidence to many of us -- the God of the Bible finds gay sex detestable.

Yet there are several sites on the internet that spin us a new gospel in the name of "tolerance" as we're told the scriptures are just the cultural whims of their day. Following this logic through, the Christian hope of eternal life that rests in the scriptures is likewise a cultural whim of its day. Hence Christians are labeled "intolerant" and "bigoted" because they hold to a faith in the Bible and a hope of eternal life that the Bible explains.

This "alternative gospel" is the theology of "gay Christianity" where sin is no longer sin, and "detestable" no longer means detestable. We're told that "the prophets were bigots", "the translations are in error", "culture has changed", etc. etc.. I suppose this methodology could justify any kind of immoral conduct no matter how awful it is.

I have attached a great summary of the pro-gay Christian theological arguments and their rebuttal from This article is not copyrighted, and I commend the author for a job well done.



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Home > Questions and Answers > Is Homosexuality A Sin?
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Question: "My church has been struggling with the issue of same-sex unions and whether practicing homosexuals should be ordained and so on. My question is, what does the Bible say about homosexuality?"

Answer: It seems that a number of churches and denominations these days are wrestling with the issue of homosexuality. Since this is such an emotionally-charged subject, we need to be especially careful when we study what the Bible says about this. For example, some people use Scripture to justify homosexuality, and other people use Scripture to condemn homosexuality. Obviously the Bible does not support both of these viewpoints (because then Scripture would be contradicting itself), so it is important that we carefully study the Bible with an honest desire to find out God's view concerning homosexuality.

Jesus commanded us to love our "neighbors" (Matthew 22:39), and I love gays just as much as any other "neighbor." So if the Bible says that unrepentant, practicing homosexuals will be excluded from heaven, then it is proper for us to be just as concerned about their salvation as anyone else's salvation. I have prayerfully studied all of the arguments that I can find both for and against homosexuality, and I have not found the pro-homosexual arguments to be convincing from a Scriptural standpoint. Many of the Christian arguments against homosexuality line up with what I see in the Bible, and therefore that's the only view that I can teach in good conscience. It has nothing to do with "gay bashing" or "homophobia," it is simply a question of "What do I honestly and prayerfully see in the Bible concerning homosexuality?" It would be wonderful to be able to say that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality, but I would want to have strong proof of that because the stakes are immensely high. The stakes are nothing less than salvation itself (as we will see), and unfortunately I just don't see any Scriptural proof that homosexual activity is ever acceptable to God.


Please refer to the article for a complete scriptural analysis, and point-by-point counter-arguments to gay theology. It evaluates the scriptural texts in original Hebrew and Greek. It is the most comprehensive one I've found on the internet and it may be found at this link:

Is Homosexuality a Sin?