The U.S. Supreme Court abandoned moral conscience by ruling that traditional marriage is unconstitutional though it has been around since the days of Noah when gay marriage was last purged from humanity. Yes, it was tried before but we all know how that story ended. It's a nice study from the Hebrew Talmud. That was then, and now it's time for some accountability.
The gay-marriage gold medal award goes to the women's suffrage movement.
As you may recall from the earliest recorded history in the Bible, the first woman, Eve, helped seal the fate of death for all of humanity by over-riding God's only rule at the time -- to avoid eating a certain forbidden fruit. Her husband Adam followed suit though he knew he was clearly in the wrong. Many would say the story is ridiculous, or perhaps they have their own version according to their religious views.
Regardless of what you think about this Bible-story, we see a picture of fallen humanity where the woman made a poor choice and the man didn't have the conviction to do the right thing. The woman, who was unsatisfied with her role, wanted to be like a god and diminished her own authority as a result.
Rolling the calendar forward -- Eve was given a second chance through the women's suffrage movement. It was a golden opportunity, but it brought shameful results. First it was Rowe v. Wade in the 1970s where a woman's right to choose an abortion trumped a child's right to live. The courts have decided that two lives are taken when a pregnant woman is murdered.
Then around the turn of the century along came gay marriage. It wouldn't be here without the white feminist movement. Gay marriage is predominately for white females by the way.
So, in summary, abortion and gay marriage are the legacy of the women's suffrage movement. Eve didn't learn a thing.
The silver medal goes to the US Supreme Court.
All my life I heard the Supreme Court ruled based on ethical conscience through the constitutional eye-glass rather than popularity and trends, but this time it was different. Was the Constitution written with gay-marriage in mind? That idea is laughable.
The miscegenous marriage analogy has been raised as a counterpoint to show us the framers of the Constitution got it wrong in 1776. Analogies are the weakest form of argument: whites were allowed to marry American Indians in the 1700s. There are supposedly "full-blooded whites" that have Indian ancestry. I am one of them. There are African American Christians that disagree with gay marriage too. The miscegenous marriage argument doesn't hold for them.
Looking further into the character of the Supreme Court we find a monopoly for Jews and Catholics. There are no openings for the Protestant faith. All the female justices voted for gay marriage by the way -- thanks to women's suffrage.
The bronze medal goes to the Obama Administration.
Obama and his attorney general, Eric Holder (both of them African Americans) decided they wouldn't defend marriage. As you may recall, president Obama doesn't have a real father either. Looking back in history we find that Ham, the father of the African race brought a curse of servitude to his posterity, and this curse is related to the issue that is before us today. Ham apparently sodomized his own father, Noah, who was passed-out drunk at the time. His posterity has been fighting for freedom ever since.
So there's the thumbnail of gay marriage and the accountability. Eve overstepped her authority in the garden and brought death to the human race, and Ham exchanged liberty for a moral depravity. History has a way of repeating itself. God have mercy on America.